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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

things i haven't blogged about yet

This is a quick entry from work to at least put something new on my blog in lieu of all the things I wanted to post about over the last couple of months.

Just to let you know, that if i had more time and had it been a higher priority i would have written a post about:
- the amazing washington street garden working bee series
- my holiday and tour of Canberra, Wollongong and Sydney friends in September
- my new no-dig garden bed (my lastest garden feature!!)
- my very recent and uplifting trip to Melbourne to participate in the Make Poverty History events timed with the G20 meeting.

I still plan to write a post and would especially like to add some photos about these things.

Please let me know other things you'd like me to put on my blog.

Some things I am thinking about doing in 2007:
- taking stock of 2006 - reminding myself of achievments- including events/activities/things learnt/ways i've grown/people I've known/
- going swimming as much as possible at the beach in summer!
- camping near a beach (this summer activity has painfully eluded me in the last few years)
- staying in the shack at Yorktown (sorry this link isn't directly about The Shack) maybe over New Years - but should i choose to stay in Hobart instead and take up the opportunity to be one of the judges in the "Eat Well Tasmania" award for best dish at the Taste of Tasmania (28th-29th Dec) ? (keeping in mind I'll be sacrificing some holiday in Gravelly Beach....)
- doing a Permaculture course 22Jan-4Feb
- coordinating "Fair Trade Fortnight" events in Hobart (April-May) - possibly including coffee farmers from PNG as part of their speaking tour of Australia
- running a poverty simulation game at my church's conference
- Last night I just became a committee member for the "Tasmanian Centre for Global Learning", it's only 5 meetings a year but should give me useful experience, insights & contacts with people

I think I'll stop there because otherwise it will take up too much work time.
See you soon - I hope, and I'd love it if you left a comment because it encourages me to write more posts. Perhaps you could vote on which of the above things you like me to blog about next.

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