Vitamin D in Butter & margarine
In reply to a question on my post about Vitamin D (and my deficiency!) here are some figures of Vitamin D content of some foods - including butter & margarine: (from Nutrition & Dietetics, my professions main journal for Australia)
Vitamin D content per 100g of the food (ug)
(note that you might not eat 100g of the food - esp. butter & marg! but this is for comparison
Herrings, kippers 22-25
Canned salmon, tuna 4-13
white fish, prawns trace
margarine 10
butter 1.4
Egg 1.8
Cheddar cheese 0.3
Milk 0.03
Liver 0.5-1.1
Lean meat 0.5-0.9
fruit, vegies, nuts nil
olive oil, veg oil nil
It's difficult for people to get enough though diet, getting is from sunlight is better but many people don't get enough sunlight for the amount their bodies need. For people under 50 years the aim is to get 5ug per day from dietary sources. The average intake that Australians have is approx 2-3ug per day. In the article in reading in my Nutrition & Dietetics journal is says "The prevalence of sub-clinical vitamin D deficiency in Australia and New Zealand is relatively high."
I should submit to you my new weight loss diet so you can check it out. I have been having tinned fish, so I guess that's good for vitamen D.
you can send me your weight loss diet if you have any questions about it.
you'd probably get lots of sun? winter's the problem.
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