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Friday, January 19, 2007

2wks off and a permaculture course

The garden photos are inspired by the permaculture course I'm doing over the next 2 weeks.

Since uni days (98-01) I've been interested in Permaculture and wanted to do a course. I kept thinking I'd wait til i buy my own house so I can design the yard and additions to house using permaculture principles. But at this rate who knows when that will be and I want to get stuck into this longterm interest even though I don't know the opportunites that will come to be able to use the skills & knowledge more fully.

Permaculture Design Certificate
72 hours
Molesworth, Tasmania
22 Jan - 4 Feb

I think we might be doing our own design doing the course, so if you have some land (ANY size) with house, then let me know and maybe i could convert your property in to a food producing, sustainable permaculture property - designed for minimal work - a system that looks after itself as much as possible!


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Sherrin said...

It is great that you are following up this interest. I hope it brings you lots of rewarding fun! Today I've been thining that I'd like to learn more about how to care for soil, etc.

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie,
That sounds fantastic! I am hoping to put a vegie garden in at our home soon, 'cause I LOVE veggies, just going to have to fence it off to keep the puppies out of it! How are the ducks going?
love ya Lizzie


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