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Friday, June 23, 2006

Yvonne's cold and flu recommendations

Hi all,

Today i've had an easy day at home, well it's not been completely easy because my immune system is working hard to fight off some very brave bugs. I say brave, because my immune system seems to be quite tough as i rarely get sick. Last year i took off one day's sick leave and this year there's been one. My usual pattern is to start feeling like i'm getting a bug but it usually doesn't develop into the a full blown cold or flu. Ofcourse I can't claim any credit for this. I have wondered if my twice weekly visits to doctors surgeries and health centres for work may help my immune system get a lot of practice over the last few years. Although, ever since leaving home I don't think i've been sick much. I do quite seriously believe that praying makes all the difference. Here's my recommended combination to help avoid cold's/flu, when you first start to feel some symptoms coming on:

1. Ask God to help you not get sick, (he quite wisely invented an immune system, so don't go around saying "I'm getting sick" or "i think i'm getting a cold" and roll over into acceptance of it). And ofcourse being God, it's quite easy for him to keep you well if he'd like to at that time.

2. Get enough sleep. When you feel extra tired it's a message to slow down, rest so you're body can put energy into getting better, lay low and take a break from your work. Powering through the day is likely to cause you to develop the cold/flu or to be sick for longer, so it's not a time saver. Keep warm as well.

3. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and at least 2-3 pieces of fruit OR 1 glass of good juice per day. Pay extra attention to this. Also limit fatty and sugary foods because they will give you the kilojoules without the nutrients, so go for nutrient-dense foods to help feed your immune system.

4. Drink lots of water, especially when fighting off the bugs because your thirst and hunger sensations can be dulled (well that's what happens to me) and also you may be losing extra fluid.

5. Avoid going to see people with weaker immune systems such as elderly people or to places where they don't need more bugs, like hospitals.

6. Wash your hands more so that you're flatmates are less likely to pick up the bugs from things you touch (colds/flu are transferred by contact and droplets, not air). Even if you don't develop a full on cold/flu you are still carrying the bugs.

I also think that if you do regular exercise in your normal lifestyle that it also helps prevent colds/flu. (30mins of walking on most days).

And if you do get sick, just look after yourself and those around you and do all of the above as well.



At 12:59 PM, Blogger Sherrin said...

Well Yvonne, I sure hope it works for you! I think I did all those things, but God obviously meant for me to be sick this week :(.

Hey, and you've left out nasty medicines. Here at my house, those are obligatory for cold avoidance. Nasty olive leaf extract once a day to keep the cold away.

I also don't recommend continuing with walking regularly if you feel a cold coming on. If you already have a tinge of a sore throat, going for a walk on a cold day can be enough to end up with a full fledged cold. I think that was part of my mistake. I guess that comes under your point about "keeping warm". Even with lots of clothes on (including scarves), it is very hard to keep your throat warm on walks.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

i agree with you, once the you feel the bugs, it's time to lay low and reduce the exercise to be able to keep warm and also to rest.

the excercise is for keeping healthy as possible the rest of the time (when well).

My parents have always said that they got sick a lot in their first year of teaching but after that they rarely got sick. it would be very easy to pick up bugs from little kids. Let's hope you come out stronger after this virus.

There's bugs and then there's BUGS, i htink the basic cold ones are easier to avoid using my suggestions, but full on nasty viruses well, that might be another story?

My mum has said she used to take a spoonful of the herb Horehound with honey when first feeling the symptoms of a cold. but i expect your Dad would know more...

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Andrew James said...

Thats cute

Thanks for all your advice on colds

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your advice on dealing with the common cold.

Personally I don't like taking anything out of the ordinary, so your recommendations suit me to a t.

On another note, I just read Isaiah 58 after reading your post on sherrin's blog. Thanks for that.

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

i've had a very runny nose today, kind of like a tap. And sneezing too, sometimes heaps in a row. I think the battle has gone to my nose. I shall not surrender.... But i might not go for a swim tonight...

At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

7. Avoid staying up all night, or getting up stupidly-early, in order to watch 22 men run after a ball.


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